Project Initialization

The project lead(s) should do the following:

Decide on a short, memorable project name (discuss with your team)

Create a new Slack channel for discussion:

  1. Click “+” icon next to Channels list in Slack sidebar -> “Create a channel”
  2. Use short project name
  3. Invite your team members Slack members

Create a new Github repo within the ICESat-2 Organization:

  1. Go to:
  2. Click the green “New” button on right side of page
  3. Select the "ICESAT-2HackWeek/sample_project_repository" template
  4. Use short project name
  5. Public is ideal (so other participants can follow progress). Can also select Private for now and make Public before final presentation.

Create a new Github team within the ICESat-2 Organization:

  1. Go to: (or click the “Teams” tab near the top of the Org page)
  2. Click green “New team” button
  3. Use short project name for “Team name”
  4. Add all team members - Click “Members” tab and green “Add a member” button

Add the project team to your project repo:

  1. Go to project repo page
  2. Click “Settings” tab in upper right corner
  3. Select “Manage access” on left side of page
  4. Add the team name under the Manage access section
  5. Select “write” to enable all team members to make commits