Pre-event Material

This lesson is a template for creating ICESat-2hackweek lessons.

It is based on the lesson template used in Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry workshops,


09:00 Intro and Preparation for ICESat-2 Hackweek What is the format of this event?
Will my laptop work for this hackathon?
Will I need to learn a specific programming language to participate?
What can I do in advance to prepare?
09:05 Getting set up with Git and GitGub What is Git/GitHub?
Why do I need a GitHub account for this event?
Why are we joining a GitHub organization?
How do I configure my account so I can access cloud computing resources?
How will GitHub repositories be structured?
09:15 Getting Connected to our Shared Computing Environment Why are we using a shared cloud environment?
How do I access the shared cloud environment?
What is Pangeo and how is this system configured?
09:30 Getting Started with Conda What is Conda?
How do I install Conda?
09:45 Getting a NASA Earthdata login What is the NASA Earthdata portal?
Why do I need to get a login for this?
09:55 Introductory Python Resources What is Python and how can I get started?
10:05 An Introduction to the Scientific Python Ecosystem What tools does Python offer to a working scientist?
How do I maninpulate numerical data in Python and visualize it?
10:15 An Introduction to the Pandas Library How do I maninpulate tabular data in Python?
10:25 Finish